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Flamenco - Config - Just Flamenco

The simplest deployment for Flamenco is to use Workstations and a NAS on a standard network. This will have some performance challenges but will work fine for small teams or projects.

This is used by Blender Studio

Simplest Configuration

The following diagram is the bare minimum deployment to use Flamenco.

The emphasis here is that one of the workstations runs a Flamenco Manager while the others participate as Flamenco Workers.

Flamenco supports three different platforms for Windows, Linux and MacOS and with some careful provisioning of Blender project saved on the NAS, all participating Flamenco Workers will render frames.

The Flamenco Manager node can also run Flamenco Worker and participate in the rendering.

For simplicity, the Blender, Flamenco Add-On and executables can all be stored on the NAS and each workstation can use them as a reference to install.

As per Flamenco installation notes, the Flamenco Manager attempts to discover Workers using UPnP and will maintain connections with each Worker, periodically updating their status. All Workers will render frames onto the NAS in a pre-configured output location for the Blender project.

Remote Artists/Workers

Read more on this variation using OpenVPN in VPN Workers.


There is no kubernetes cluster in this configuration option and this project is not needed.