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Flamenco - Config - Kubernetes Cluster

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In this type of configuration, it is assumed some of the Workstations on the network can belong to Testing, Development and Production. This can be done entirely at the Cluster-level and does not have to involve Flamenco Worker Tags (FWTs). It is also possible that some Workstations simply use Testing, Dev or Prod resources in the Cluster and do not themselves run Workers. Its entirely up to you how this is divided up.

Application Deployments

The benefits of using kubernetes allows you to create different isolated deployments, select which types of compute nodes are used by which deployments. There is a lot of flexibility with the additional advantage of custom scaling based on work, time of day, etc.

Flamenco Worker Tags

Using Flamenco Worker Tags (FWTs) you can overlay these to further abstract which compute resources are available to specific teams or types of project work.

The example below shows a tester, developer each in their own Flamenco deployments. Two Teams having dedicated Production resources using both kubernetes and Flamenco Worker Tags to provide isolated environments.

Satellite VPN Workers

Using OpenVPN it is possible to create satellite groups of workstations that can submit Jobs or participate as Flamenco Workers.