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Powering Up Cluster

There are Wake-On-Lan scripts on the Gateway Device that can send WOL Signals to the cluster subnet. You can power up individual nodes or all nodes.


The k8s cluster will take ~5mins to recognise the current state of the nodes. It may report erroneously that nodes are “NotReady” or “Ready” during this warm-up period.

Wake Up All Nodes

#> ssh (Gateway Device)
#> cd scripts/
#> ./

Shutdown All Nodes

There are shutdown scripts on the Gateway Device that will log into the nodes (if they are powered up) and instruct them cleanly shutdown.

This works 99% of the time as shutting down Linux can stall or delay.

#> ssh (Gateway Device)
#> cd scripts/
#> ./

If WOL is not working for one or more nodes then see details on WOL support Technical/Installation/Extras/WOL documentation.