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There is a generic NFS Server running on the Gateway Device by default. This can easily be some other NAS device. The NFS File-System is hosted on the Gateway Device at /nfs/share which can be mapped to the root disk or another disk attached to the Gateway Device. By default, it is the root device filestore (ie: SD card). It does not use Kubernetes or cluster file system.

Since the NFS Server is running by default on the Gateway Device it is immediately available to the Home and Cluster Networks.

NFS & Flamenco

Flamenco uses NFS with its own Shaman file management application when rendering a project across multiple Flamenco Workers.



If you are using a RaspberryPi as a Gateway Device then the NFS file-transfer speeds may be fairly slow. Especially if your RaspberryPi connection is over Wifi. You can use a NAS or host the NFS Server on another computer in your Home Network as long as the Cluster can reach it over the Gateway Device.

Client Setup

See Blender / Setup / NFS for details on setting up NFS mounts on supported Operating Systems (aka Platforms)