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The Gateway Device acts as a reverse-proxy using NGINX to forward some FQDN on the cluster.home into the Cluster Network.

Because the Flamenco Manager doesn’t support path-prefix configuration, it is necessary to do subdomain routing and contact the Flamenco Manager on flamenco.cluster.home. Otherwise, all traffic will be redirected to the mkdocs documentation site.

Both the Flamenco Manager and Grafana need websockets and the NGINX Proxy is configured to “upgrade” to HTTP1.1 to support them.

The Flamenco Add-On communicates with the Flamenco Manager via this NGINX reverse-proxy and will post Blender projects through it. It is necessary to change the default 1MB HTTP BODY Post size to something much larger. It can be configured in gateway-install Role and specifically in the nginx.sites.available.proxy.http.j2 template file.

Example Sites Available