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Flamenco Worker Tags

TBD - not implemented yet

This projects uses Flamenco Worker Tags to group Workers by functionality.

One division is based around CPU and GPU rendering. In Blender projects you can select how your project is to be rendered.

  1. Eevee (GPU-only)
  2. Cycles (CPU-only)
  3. Cycles (GPU+CPU)

CPU-Only Workers

There are many more cores than GPUs on a node. These cores can be used as CPU-only Flamenco Workers, for example with Blender projects that are Cycles CPU-Only.

When Flamenco Workers who are using the CPU-only deployment register with Flamenco Manager, they also call the Flamenco Manager API to register themselves in the cpu-only Flamenco Worker Tag.

This FWT is auto-provisioned by this project and Workers self-register.

GPU+CPU Workers

There are usually one or two GPUs per node and these can be used for Blender projects that use GPU+CPU (Cycles) or GPU-Only (Eevee).

When Flamenco Workers who are using the CPU-only deployment register with Flamenco Manager, they also call the Flamenco Manager API to register themselves in the gpu+cpu Flamenco Worker Tag.

This FWT is auto-provisioned by this project and Workers self-register.


Using Flamenco Manager Console it is possible to create other Flamenco Worker Tag groups around other distinctions either at hardware or workflow abstraction.