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Blender Benchmark

The Blender Benchmark utility is packaged with the Flamenco-Blender container.

If Flamenco Workers are not deployed in the cluster, then you can deploy the Benchmark across all nodes and gain some performance insights.

The results of the benchmark are written to the shared-storage (ie: NFS). They are not uploaded to Blender Benchmark website.

This is an example of running GPU benchmark with the BMW scene and the output written to `/media/shared/flamenco/benchmarks/. Since this is a Pod, then HOSTNAME is in fact the Pod name (eg: benchmark-gpu-rtw8s) but inside the json report is more details about the node.

    - name: benchmark
      image: "registry.cluster.home/flamenco:3.2-blender-3.5.1"
      command: ["/code/benchmark/benchmark-launcher-cli"]
      args: [
        " 2&1 > /media/shared/flamenco/benchmarks/bmw27.gpu.$HOSTNAME.json"

Example json output from a benchmark test…