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First, create a RaspberryPi SDHC - RaspPi Imager guide.

Using RaspPi Host

If you want to try, you can use the RaspPi host to build the Flamenco Manager exectuable. See RaspPi Host Build for more details. Note, this was very slow.

Using Docker Multi-Platform

The Dev Container in this project can create ARM64 Go executable from source using Docker Desktop buildx. This is described in Docker multi-platform builds.

docker buildx build --platform=linux/arm64 --target export -t test . --output execs

This will create an execs directory in the flamenco working-directory…

linux_amd64  linux_arm64

flamenco-manager_amd64  flamenco-worker_amd64

flamenco-manager_arm64  flamenco-worker_arm64

An example Flamenco Manager Go executable.


Once you have an executable, you can see if it works by running it locally from the terminal. Example Deployment and Test.

Systemd Service

If you want the Flamenco Manager to start on system boot, follow Systemd Service guide to install a systemd service on the RaspPi.