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Deploying Executable

Copy the executable from the flamenco working-copy across to the RaspPi. The buildx will have created an execs folder and labelled the executables according to their platform type (eg: _arm64).

scp ./execs/linux_arm64/flamenco-manager_arm64 pi@RASP-IP-ADDRESS:/home/pi/flamenco-manager

Ensure it is executable by changing the file permissions…

chmod u+x flamenco-manager

Quickly see if it works while logged into the RaspPi by running it from the command line…

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ./flamenco-manager 
2023-03-23T00:45:07+01:00 INF starting Flamenco arch=arm64 git=v3.2-55-g99159510 os=linux releaseCycle=alpha version=3.3-alpha0
2023-03-23T00:45:07+01:00 INF This seems to be your first run of Flamenco! A webbrowser will open to help you set things up.
2023-03-23T00:45:07+01:00 INF listening port=8080
2023-03-23T00:45:07+01:00 INF opening database dsn=flamenco-manager.sqlite
2023-03-23T00:45:08+01:00 INF Not starting Shaman storage service, as this is the first run of Flamenco. Configure the shared storage location first.
2023-03-23T00:45:08+01:00 INF serving job-specific files directly from disk onDisk=/home/ubuntu/flamenco-manager-storage url=/job-files
2023-03-23T00:45:08+01:00 INF UPnP/SSDP advertisement starting
2023-03-23T00:45:08+01:00 INF TimeoutChecker: starting up checkInterval=1m0s initialSleep=5m0s taskTimeout=10m0s workerTimeout=1m0s
2023-03-23T00:45:08+01:00 INF sleep scheduler starting checkInterval=1m0s
2023-03-23T00:45:08+01:00 INF possble URL at which to reach Flamenco Manager count=3
2023-03-23T00:45:08+01:00 INF - http://RASP-IP-ADDRESS:8080/
2023-03-23T00:45:08+01:00 INF -
2023-03-23T00:45:08+01:00 INF - http://[::1]:8080/
/usr/bin/xdg-open: 882: www-browser: not found
/usr/bin/xdg-open: 882: links2: not found
/usr/bin/xdg-open: 882: elinks: not found
/usr/bin/xdg-open: 882: links: not found
/usr/bin/xdg-open: 882: lynx: not found
/usr/bin/xdg-open: 882: w3m: not found
xdg-open: no method available for opening 'http://RASP-IP-ADDRESS:8080/'
2023-03-23T00:45:09+01:00 ERR unable to open a browser to http://RASP-IP-ADDRESS:8080/, please open it yourself or try any of the other URLs above error="exit status 3"

The Flamenco Manager app will try and launch a browser to http://RASP-IP-ADDRESS:8080/app/ but this will fail in a terminal. You can however navigate to this address and go through the Flamenco Setup Assistant.

If you want to run headless Flamenco Manager, then see next section on using flamenco-manager.yaml configuration to skip the Flamenco Setup Assistant.

See Systemd Service instructions to start Flamenco Manager at startup.