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Goal: Build Flamenco components (webapp, manager, worker executables) on a local workstation for development and testing purposes.


The Blender Render Cluster project does not deploy locally built Flamenco or Blender from source. Instead, the cluster runs Flamenco and blender from published releases.

This page presents several ways of building Flamenco components using the Flamenco make targets.

1 - Host Workstation

Platform: Linux / Mac / Windows

Official instructions: Flamenco project Getting-Started and requires you install nodejs and other tools on your workstation.

This is the best place to start if you do not have any other toolchain dependencies or projects on your host to maintain.

More details: Flamenco Project Getting-Started

2- Standalone Development Container

Platform: Ubuntu Container using Docker

One reason you may want to try this approach is if you have many other projects on your workstation and do not want to try and support multiple toolchains in parallel, then creating a Docker container that performs the build may be of interest.

More details: Development Container documentation with some loadbuild differences.