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If you are looking for published executables from the Flamenco project you should go to the download page. This page describes how to access the Flamenco executables created from a Development Container.

Extracting the executables from Dev Container

The flamenco-manager and flamenco-worker are built in the above Dockerfile example inside the flamenco_dev container built using the go_buil target as described in the buildx guide when building a Dev Container.

Step 1 - Launch Dev Container

You first must run the container image as a container.

docker run --name flamenco_dev -it flamenco_dev /bin/bash
docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE          COMMAND       CREATED         STATUS         PORTS              NAMES
e30841fa8986   flamenco_dev   "/bin/bash"   6 seconds ago   Up 5 seconds   80/tcp, 8080/tcp   flamenco_dev

Step 2 - docker cp

To extract these executable files from the container image itself you can issue the following commands in another terminal while the container is running:

docker cp flamenco_dev:/code/flamenco-manager .
docker cp flamenco_dev:/code/flamenco-worker .

These executables will then appear in the root folder of your working-copy of the Flamenco repo.


In a larger project setting, it makes sense to name the Flamenco image and container names with Flamenco versions. For example flamenco_dev_3.2 or flamenco_dev_bug_fix_1

Using Buildx Platform

See buildx guide on multi-platorm builds to see how to export the executables to a local execs/ folder.

docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64 --target export -t test . --output execs
#> ls -R execs/

linux_amd64  linux_arm64

flamenco-manager_amd64  flamenco-worker_amd64

flamenco-manager_arm64  flamenco-worker_arm64