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Software Versions

These are the following software versions used by this project:

Components Version
Ubuntu 22.04.2
Flamenco 3.2
go 2:1.20~1longsleep1
Blender 3.5.1
Kubernetes 1.25.5-00
Intel Device Plugin 0.26.0
nfs-subdir-external-provisioner latest
Intel OpenCL Test u22.04_20221213
Minio Operator v5.0.3
Minio Tenant RELEASE.2023-03-24T21-41-23Z
Rook (Ceph) v1.11.3 (v17.2.6)
Prometheus latest
Grafana latest
Loki latest

Executable paths

This project expects Blender in the following locations across supported platforms

      - platform: linux
        value: blender
      - platform: windows
        value: D:\Apps\Blender\blender.exe
      - platform: darwin
        value: /Applications/

(auto-generated file)