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This example assumes NFSv4 protocol using MacOS System automounter and mapper.

Step 1 - Check NFS Share is Visible

NAS or Gateway Device will be hosting the NFS Shar. If it is the Gateway Device you should see something like the following from the MacOS workstation using showmount -e

MacOS Workstation #> showmount -e flamenco.cluster.home
Exports list on flamenco.cluster.home:


Check your workstation IP Address is one of the export IP ranges.

Step 2 - Create workstation mount location

MacOS Workstation #> sudo mkdir -p /private/nfs/flamenco

Step 3 - Create auto-nfs mount service

Create /etc/auto_nfs file with the following contents…

MacOS Workstation #> sudo nano /etc/auto_nfs
flamenco -fstype=nfs,nfsvers=4,soft,bg,intr,rw,tcp,resvport nfs://flamenco.cluster.home:/nfs/share/flamenco

Enable auto_nfs as a service by adding the following to Automounter Master configuration file /etc/auto_master

MacOS Workstation #> sudo nano /etc/auto_master 
# Automounter master map
+auto_master        # Use directory service
#/net               -hosts      -nobrowse,hidefromfinder,nosuid
/home               auto_home   -nobrowse,hidefromfinder
/Network/Servers    -fstab
/-                  -static
/private/nfs        auto_nfs

Then change the auto_nfs file permissions

MacOS Workstation #> sudo chmod 644 /etc/auto_nfs

Then run the auto-mounter or reboot the workstation.

MacOS Workstation #> sudo automount -cv
automount: /System/Volumes/Data/home updated (/home -> /System/Volumes/Data/home)
automount: /System/Volumes/Data/private/nfs mounted (/private -> /System/Volumes/Data/private)

Step 4 - Verify NFS mount contents

MacOS Workstation #> pwd

MacOS Workstation #> ls
file-store jobs       output     projects


Operation Not Permitted

This is a response from the NFS Server.

MacOS Workstation #> ls /private/nfs/flamenco/
ls: /private/nfs/flamenco/: Operation not permitted