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Ubuntu Workstation#> showmount -e flamenco.cluster.home
Export list for flamenco.cluster.home:


Check your workstation IP Address is one of the export IP ranges.

Step 2 - Create workstation mount location

Ubuntu Workstation #> sudo mkdir -p /private/nfs/flamenco

Check the mount works by manually mounting the NFS mount.

Ubuntu Workstation #> sudo mount -t nfs flamenco.cluster.home:/nfs/share/flamenco /private/nfs/flamenco
ls /private/nfs/flamenco
assets  development  flamenco-manager.sqlite      flamenco-manager.sqlite-wal  output
cache   file-store   flamenco-manager.sqlite-shm  jobs                         projects

Step 3 - Add NFS Mount to /etc/fstab

If you wish to have the NFS mount available at startup you can add it to the systems /etc/fstab.

flamenco.cluster.home:/nfs/share/flamenco  /private/nfs/flamenco  nfs auto,nofail,noatime,nolock,intr,tcp,actimeo=1800 0 0