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Flamenco Manager

In this project, the Flamenco Manager is hosted by the Cluster. If you want the Flamenco Manager hosted on a workstation then please Flamenco Setup or the official docs Flamenco Manager Configuration

Flamenco Job Types

In this project, the default “Simple Blender Render” Job Type is used.

Flamenco Two-Way Variables

In this project, Two-Way variables are used for NFS Mount Points for different operating systems (platforms). See NFS Setup for more details.

Flamenco Manager Connection Error

Note, the Flamenco Manager uses by default, port 8080 and HTTP1.1 WebSockets (SocketIO v2) to communicate with Workers. These two services must not be blocked by any firewall or networking. If it is blocked, you will see “no connection” on the Flamenco Manager GUI appear on the Flamenco GUI Task Bar.